Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of Mansa Musa Of The Conqueror Of King Of Kings ...

Mansa Musa Before Mansa Musa took the thrown, there was not really known about him. It was only until 1312 when he took the thrown from his father Abu Bakr II, people started to know the young Musa when he inherited the title Mansa. 1312 is a year that many will not forget, because of the generous king’s progressive ideas and how he was loved by his people. His reach stretched over two thousand miles. He was known by many different names like ‘Emir of Melle’, ‘Lord of the Conqueror of Ghanata’, or ‘Lion of Mali’( But he was mostly known by the name Mansa Musa, which means the ‘King of Kings’ As West Africa’s first Muslim King, he ensured peace for decades. He was loved by many, not only for his grace but for the large sums of money and gold that we would give out to charitable organizations. Even though he was the richest king in history, he believed that most of his wealth should be shared with vast amounts of people. Even though Mansa Musa was a ruler, there were many times where he did not act as a King. The Mansa was also the first ruler to travel over four thousand to the city of Mecca. On this pilgrimage, he stopped at many large cities along his way, including Cairo, Medina, and other Arab cities. Years of planning and hundreds of people preparing, he made the journey with large sums of gold. But he was not going to leave his palace and kingdom to be left alone while he was gone. He got a large group of men for the year to run the kingdom,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Fidel Castro - 2633 Words

There are many views that people have of Cuba’s Fidel Castro. Castro is a figure with opinions on both ends of the spectrum. While he is not worldly popular at this point in his life, he was immensely beneficial to his country. Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba for the past 50 years may not be viewed in the best light, but he did phenomenal things for his people which makes him one of the most undervalued and overlooked political figures. Fidel Castro Ruz was born in Biran, Cuba on August 13, 1926 (Britannica, 2014). Born into a middle class sugar farm owning family, Castro grew up relatively affluent but his origins pointed to anything but a revolutionary career. â€Å"I was born into a family of landowners in comfortable circumstances. We were†¦show more content†¦In Mexico he began to organize a guerrilla voyage to Cuba for a violent uprising against Batista authority (Castro, 2009). On December 2, 1956 Castro, joined by 81 other revolutionaries (which included big names such as Che Guevara, and Jesus Montane), reached the Cuban cost. (Castro, 2009). For the next two years Castro helped the Rebel Army organize their forces throughout the entire island. Here is a timeline of events during the two years during the rise of the rebellion (Frank, 2013): 1957 * 1957 January 17, Castros guerrillas score their first success by sacking an army outpost on the south coast, and started gaining followers in both Cuba and abroad. * 1957 March 13, University students mount an unsuccessful attack on the Presidential Palace in Havana. * 1957 May 28, Castros 26 movement take over an army post in El Uvero. 1958 * 1958 February Castro opens a front in the Sierra de Cristal on Orientes north coast. * 1958 March 13 U.S. suspends shipments of arms to Batistas forces. * 1958 May Batista sends an army of 10,000 into the Sierra Maestra to destroy Castros 300 armed guerrillas. By August, the rebels had defeated the armys advance and captured a huge amount of weaponry. * 1958 November 1 A Cuban aircraft en route from Miami to Havana is hijacked by militants but crashes. The hijackers were trying to land at Sierra Cristal in Eastern Cuba to deliver weapons to Raà ºlShow MoreRelatedFidel Castro5049 Words   |  21 PagesFidel Castro’s Influence on the Cuban Revolution, 1953-1959 The year was 1953 and Fidel Castro was a dashing and daring reformer that was determined to make a impact in a country that was ruled by an unjust president. With the Movement strong and confident, Castro delivered these strong words to his group of men: â€Å"In a few hours you will be victorious or defeated, but regardless of the outcome – listen well, friends – this Movement will triumph. If you win tomorrow, the aspirations of Martà ­ willRead MoreFidel Castro Is Alive1443 Words   |  6 Pages Upon his release, Castro went to Mexico where he spent the next year organizing the 26th of July Movement, which was based on the date of the failed Santiago de Cuba barracks attack. On December 2, 1956, Castro and the rest his fellow rebels of the 26th of July Movement landed on Cuban soil with the intention of starting a revolution. They were only met with the welcome of heavy Batista defenses, causing nearly everyone in the Movement to be killed. Barely anyone escaped, and those who did whichRead MoreEssay on Fidel Castro1274 Words   |  6 PagesFidel Castro The first journey for Christopher Columbus to the New World landed him in what we know as present day Cuba. The Spaniards occupied the island because of the great location and marketable importance that came about in the eighteenth century. Throughout time, Cuba has been under the control of dominant countries, such as Spain and the United States. The colonization process has been the consistent factor in Latin American countries, leaving the colonized without a senseRead MoreBiography of Fidel Castro1982 Words   |  8 PagesFidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in the Bà ­ran, Cuba. (See Figure 5) Fidel grew up in wealthier circumstances than most Cubans at the time, amid the massive and growing poverty. His father, à ngel Castro y Argiz, was originally an immigrant from Spain. During Fidel’s childhood, à ngel was a fairly prosperous sugarcane farmer on a farm that had been dominated by United States owned United Fruit Company. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzalez, was a maid to Angels first wife, during Fidel’s infancy. ByRead MoreThe Life of Fidel Castro631 Words   |  3 Pages Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, born in Birà ¡n, Cuba on August 13, 1926, changed his country ever since he came to power. Castro’s father, à ngel Castro y Argiz, was a wealthy plantation owner and was an immigrant from Galicia, Spain. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzà ¡lez, was à ngel’s mistress and house servant while à ngel was still married to Maria Luisa Argota. Castro was educated in many Jesuit boarding schools, from grade school to middle school, in which he was a mediocre student and was not well behavedRead MoreEssay on Fidel Castro3330 Words   |  14 PagesFidel Castro In 1959, a rebel, Fidel Castro, overthrew the reign of Fulgencia Batista in Cuba; a small island 90 miles off the Florida coast. There have been many coups and changes of government in the world since then. Few if any have had the effect on Americans and American foreign policy as this one. In 1952, Sergeant Fulgencia Batista staged a successful bloodless coup in Cuba . Batista never really had any cooperation and rarely garnered much support. His reign was markedRead MoreEssay on Fidel Castro855 Words   |  4 Pages Biography of Fidel Castro Fidel Castro was born on August 14, 1927 in Mayari, Cuba. His parents were relatively wealthy and owned a sugarcane plantation. During his childhood, he attended private Catholic Schools and graduated to attend the University of Havana in 1945. His teachers immediately noticed Fidels amazing memory, which he used to memorize entire books. At the university, he majored in law studies and became a member of several groups that opposed the Cuban regime, aiding exiles fromRead More fidel castro Essay866 Words   |  4 PagesCuba and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Fidel Castro is a Cuban revolutionary, who took control of Cuba in 1959 and established a Communist dictatorship. Castro, who was born in Mayari, became the leader of an underground, anti-government faction. In 1956, he led a rebellion that won increasing popular support. Eventually Castro forced Batista y Zaldivar, who was the premier of Cuba to flee the country. Once in power Castro executed and imprisoned thousands of political opponentsRead MoreFidel Castro Essay590 Words   |  3 PagesFidel Castro Fidel Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926, on his familys sugar plantation near Biran, Oriente province, Cuba. His father, originally an immigrant laborer from Galicia, Spain, became owner of a 23,000-acre plantation. As a boy, Castro worked in the familys sugar cane fields and at 6 years old convinced his parents to send him to school. He attended two Jesuit institutions, the Colegio Lasalle and the Colegio Dolores, both in Santiago. In 1942 he entered the ColegioRead MoreWho is Fidel Castro?2567 Words   |  10 PagesFidel Castro is arguably one of the most famous political leaders to ever live. He is internationally recognized for being a revolutionary, a supporter of communism, and an opposition of imperialism. Eugenia Charles is just as influential and recognizable around the World. She was the first female lawyer and Prime Minister of Dominica, and only the second female Prime Minister in Caribbean History. The contributions these two individuals have had on their respective nations have led to massive improvements

Friday, December 13, 2019

Business Law Today Free Essays

1-Contract law provide rules to determine which contract terms will be enforced and which promises must be kept. True or False 2-A is an assertion that something either will or will not happen in the future. A: 3-A contract needs two requirement and Agreement is required to form a contract, regardless of whether it is formed in the traditional A: 4- which is generally defined as: The value given in return for a promise, A: -Common law governs all contracts except when it has been modified or replaced by statutory law, such as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC),1 or by administrative agency regulations. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Law Today or any similar topic only for you Order Now A: 6-Which contracts generally are governed by the common law of contracts. A Services B Real estate C Employment D Insurance E All of the above A: 7-Contracts for the sale and lease of goods, however, are governed by the ? to the extent that the UCC has modified general contract law. A: ucc The Definition and Function of a Contract -A is an agreement that can be enforced in court. It is formed by two or more parties who agree to perform or to refrain from performing some act now or in the future. A: 9-Contract law assures the parties to private agreements that the promises they make will be enforceable A: 10- A person who makes a promise A: 11- A person to whom a promise is made ( usually a buyer ) A: 12-In determining whether a contract has been formed, the element of is of prime importance. A: 13-Stating the clear intent of the (contract) or Objectiveness a contract that can be understood by others and not the issuing party. (subjective) is considered intent. A: 14-In contract law, intent is determined by what is referred to as the of not by the personal or subjective intent, or belief, of a party. A: 15- Objective facts that must be included in a contract. (1) What the party said when entering into the contract, (2) How the party acted or appeared, and The circumstances surrounding the transaction. All of the above A: Objective Theory of Contracts A theory under which the intent to form a contract will be judged by outward, objective facts (what the party said when entering into the contract, how the party acted or appeared, and the circumstances surrounding the transaction) as interpreted by a reasonable person, rather than by the party’s own secret, subjective intentions. 16- Ability to enter freely into contractual arrangements. , A freedom protected by the U. S. Constitution in Article I, Section 10 A: NOTE: Because freedom of contract is a fundamental public policy of the United States, courts rarely interfere with contracts that have been voluntarily made. Exemption For example, illegal bargains, agreements that unreasonably restrain trade, and certain unfair contracts made between one party with a great amount of bargaining power and another with little power generally are not enforced. Requirements for a valid contract 17- An agreement to form a contract includes an One party must offer to enter into a legal agreement and the other party must accept the terms of the offer A: 18- Any promises made by the parties must be supported by legal sufficient and bargained for consideration ( something of value must be received) A: something of value must be exchange by both parties I. e (money for beer) 19- Both partties entering into a contract must have the contractual capacity to do so the law must recognize them as being competent qualified parties A: 20- The contract must be to accomplish a goal that is legal and not against the law A: 21- A person who makes an offer ( seller) or ( buyer) A: 22- is the party to whom the offer is made A: 23-One person agrees to buy another person’s automobile for a specified price this is an example of: A: Example Javier offers to buy Ann’s digital camera for $200. Javier tells Ann that he will give her the cash for the camera on the following Friday, when he gets paid. Ann accepts Javier’s offer and promises to give him the camera when he pays her on Friday. Javier and Ann have formed a bilateral contract. A promise for a promise No delivery of goods (money or merchandise has taken place) 4- . , a contract that is a â€Å"promise for an act. † In other words, the contract is formed not at the moment when promises are exchanged but rather when the contract is performed. A: EXAMPLE 8. 2 Reese says to Celia, â€Å"If you drive my car from New York to Los Angeles, I’ll give you $1,000. †Only on Celia’s completion of the act? bringing the car to Los Angeles? does she fullyaccept Reeseâ€℠¢s offer to pay $1,000. If she chooses not to accept the offer to drive the car to Los Angeles, there are no legal consequences. 5-Contest and prizes are considered unilateral contract a (promise for an act) A : The contest offeror can change the initial offer of the prize winnings. But they must have a clause that states that they reserve the right to change the terms of the contest. ( discrambler) if the contestant sues he or she will most likely loose because she agreed to all the terms when signing up. A unilateral contract is usually not revocable unless stated. If I agree to buy someones boat upon arrival at my dock, and I call that person and said I want to cancel. If the person is halfway or really close to my dock it is considered (performance has been substantially undertaken,) the offeror cannot revoke the offer. I can not undue the contract and I am legally binded to go thru with the offer. 26-Formal contracts includes: Negotiable instruments, which include A Checks, B Drafts, C Promissory notes D Certificates of deposit E All of the above A: 27- A contract that by law requires a specific form, such as being executed under seal, for its validity. A: 8- : Contracts that are simple but might be in writing. A: 29- A contract in which the terms of the agreement are stated in words, oral or written. A: In an express contract, the terms of the agreement are fully and explicitly stated in words, oral or written. A signed lease for an apartment or a house is an express written contract. 30- A contract formed in whole or in part from the conduct of the parties (as opposed to an express contract). A: For an implied-in-fact contract to arise, certain requirements must be met. Normally, if the following conditions exist, a court will hold that an implied contract was formed: The plaintiff furnished some service or property. The plaintiff expected to be paid for that service or property, and the defendant knew or should have known that payment was expected (by using the objective-theory-of- contracts test discussed on page 201). The defendant had a chance to reject the services or property and did not. EXAMPLE 8. 4 You need an accountant to fill out your tax return, so you find a local ccounting firm and drop by to talk to an accountant and learn what fees will be charged. The next day, you return and give the receptionist all the necessary information and docu- ments, such as W-2 forms. Then you walk out the door without saying anything expressly to the accountant. In this situation, you have entered into an implied-in-fact contract 31- A contract that has been completely performed by both parties. A: 32- A contract that has not as yet been fully performed. A: 3- A valid contract has the four elements necessary for contract formation: A An agreement (offer and acceptance), B Supported by legally sufficient consideration, C Made by parties who have the legal capacity to enter into the contract D For a legal purpose E All of the above 34 A contract is the result when the elements necessary for a contract f formation ( agreement, consideration, legal purpose and contractual capacity are met A: 35-Voidable Contract A contract that may be legally avoided (canceled, or annulled) at he option of one or both of the parties. A: 36- A valid contract rendered unenforceable by some statute or law. A: As a general rule, for example, contracts made by minors are voidable at the option of the minor Additionally, contracts entered into under fraudulent conditions are voidable at the option of the defrauded party. Contracts entered into under legally defined duress or undue i nflu- ence are also voidable 37 A contract having no legal force or binding effect. A: 38- A fictional contract imposed on the parties by a court in the interests of fairness and justice; usually imposed to avoid the unjust enrichment of one party at the expense of another. A: Usually, quasi contracts are imposed to avoid the unjust enrichment of one party at the expense of another. The doctrine of unjust enrichment s based on the theory that individuals should not be allowed to profit or enrich themselves inequitably at the expense of others. 39- A meeting of two or more inds in regard to the terms of a contract; usually broken down into two events? an offer by one party to form a contract and an acceptance of the offer by the person to whom the offer is made. A: 40- An offer and an acceptance. One party offers a certain bargain to another party, who then accepts that bargain. A: 41- A promise or commitment to perform or refrain from performing some specified act in the future. Three elements are necessary for an offer to be effective: 1 There must be a serious, ob jective intention by the offeror. . The terms of the offer must be reasonably certain, or definite, so that the parties 3 The offer must be communicated to the offeree EXAMPLE 8. 14 Marcus Business Machines contacts your corporation and offers to sell â€Å"from one to ten MacCool copying machines for $1,600 each; state number desired in acceptance. † Your corporation agrees to buy two copiers. Because the quantity is specified in the acceptance, the terms are definite, and the contract is enforceable. EXAMPLE 8. 15 Tolson advertises a reward for the return of her lost cat. Dirk, not knowing of the reward, finds the cat and returns it to Tolson. Ordinarily, Dirk cannot recover the reward because an essential element of a reward contract is that the one who claims the reward must have known it was offered. A few states would allow recovery of the reward, but not on contract principles? Dirk would be allowed to recover on the basis that it would be unfair to deny him the reward just because he did not know about it. 42- the seller may reserve the right to confirm or reject the sale even after â€Å"the hammer has fallen. In this situ- ation, the seller is obligated to notify those attending the auction that sales of goods made during the auction are not final until confirmed by the seller A: 43- , the goods cannot be withdrawn by the seller and must be sold to the highest bidder. A: 44- Agreement to agree agreements to agree may be enforceable agree- ments (contracts) if it is clear that the parties intend to be bound by the agreements. preliminary agree ment constitutes a binding contract if the parties have agreed on all essential terms and no disputed issues remain to be resolved. 10 How to cite Business Law Today, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sustainable And Operations The Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Sustainable And Operations The Management? Answer: Introduction The aim of the present report is to provide recommendations that can be adopted by the Samsung Company to initiate the process of operational optimization. The operational strategies will be suggested based upon the external business environment including the strengths and the weaknesses. The timeline for each of the operational changes will also be provided that will be the part of the business planning of the Samsung Company for the next 10 years. A4 process diagram that will be used to provide the timeframe of the operational department Way to Approach Operational Optimization The main purpose of the optimization of business operations is to improve the upon the business performance and the productivity. One of the key purpose of the operational function is to increase the efficiency levels of the overall service chain. The smooth functioning of the supply chain management is also dependent upon the functions of the operation management. According to Shen et al., (2017), it is important to optimize the internal business processes and evaluate the options. This will help in the matters of discover the future growth opportunity of the business. In case of Samsung the future growth opportunity of the company is mainly due to the increase in the levels of demand for smartphones within the middle class sections. In the given context, the Samsung company can implement the operational strategy of core product and service development. As new products are being launched by the company each year, the company has to face the challenges of implementing innovation that will aim to optimize the use of technology. In order to provide the products at cheaper rates compared to the rivals, technological companies like Samsung often have compromised upon the quality of the products. This was mainly done to neutralize the threats that the company obtained due to availability of the cheaper smartphones in the market. Paik and Zhu (2016), have mentioned that one of the essential features that are required for the purpose of optimizing the quality of product is to understand the demand and the expectations level of the customers. For example, in case of the smartphone, most of the customers in the current days prefer to have high quality of camera that will enable them to take professional snaps. Hence, it wi ll be useful for Samsung to focus on the technological optimization by focusing on the camera development. The company can also conduct customer survey to understand the type of issue that are encountered by the users due to poor product quality. This can help in the process of optimization as the company will get the opportunity to focus on particular issues related to product quality (Warner 2014). The company will therefore be able to incorporate the customer-driven strategy, which is believed to help in the process of adopting changes according to new demand of the customers. It can also help the company in the process of recovering the market from the limited growth opportunity in the consumer market of US and Europe. Gupta and Boyd (2008), have mentioned about the theory of constraints that can be applied in the context of optimizing operational strategies. The most importance of the theory is due to the fact that it can help in identifying the limited factors within the business operations. One of the major advantage of the theory is the fact that it helps in the process of cross-functional nature, which is needed in the purpose of interdependent functions of each department. In a multinational company like Samsung, the implication of the constraint theory can help in the process of proper resource utilization. The operational strategy can be implemented based upon the input that is needed in each of the departments. For example, in case of Samsung, the major revenue is earned from the smart phone department. Hence, it is essential to invest more resources in the manufacturing sector of smartphones. The company can also invest in the research and development sectors of the smartphones that is ne eded to swiftly transform the technology that are used in the latest smartphones. This theory can also help in the process of increasing the existing market share of the company by incorporating the principles of sustainability in the business (Nielsen Larsen, 2016). The lack of resources in the areas like New Zealand can also be resolved, which is also considered to be major sustainability issues of Samsung. The theory of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can also be incorporated as a major part of operational strategy (Korschun et al., 2014). This is essential in the context of fulling the companys vision of sustainability and implementing the techniques of green manufacturing techniques thereby fulfilling the needs of the local environment. Additionally, the CSR principles can also help in the process of spreading the awareness among the stakeholders of the company about matters related to harmful effects of the environment due to industrial wastes. The company will therefore be able to deal with the rising pressure of providing risk free products. After the manufacturing of the smartphones the company needs to properly test each models for the Specific absorption rate (SAR). High rates of SAR can cause fatal disease among human as the frequency emitted from the phones has the potential to bring about mutational changes in human gene (Gurin et al., 2014). Hence, with the help of th e CSR principles Samsung will be able to gain the social reputation. The next important strategy within the context of the optimizing operational strategies of Samsung is competitive priorities. As mentioned in the previous report that due to the market entry of cheap smartphone brands like Xiaomi and Huawei, Samsung has to face high threats and have lost significant market share in the recent years. The quality management team needs to be allocated, who will help in the process of highlighting the loopholes in the existing operational management. According to Moradi et al., (2015), the psychological factors and the customer behavior plays one of the most important part in deciding upon the competitive strategies that are implemented by the companies. The message that are delivered by the companies as a part of business communication process needs to be optimized. This will ensure that the target group of customers are able to understand the unique feature the can expect after buying product of certain brand (Hajabdollahi Pourgholamali, 2016). For ex ample, if Samsung launches a smart phone with best battery with higher capability, it is essential for them to highlight the fact within the following advertisement. This will ensure that able to attract the customers, who are particularly focusing upon long battery backup in their phones. Detailed timeline for over 10 years The operational strategies that are mentioned in the above section will be implemented by Samsung on the basis of the 10-year plan. The following section will provide the timeline for each operational strategy: Operational Strategy for Optimization Period of Implementation Process of Implementing Expected Risks Person Responsible for implementation Detailed Customer Survey This is the primary activity and needed to be implemented with the first 6 months of the 10-year plan. That is from Jan 2018- June 2018 Online survey will be conducted from the markets of Europe and US. The market researchers need to design the survey questionnaires that will help to collect detailed information from the perspective of the customers (Spears et al., 2015). False information can be generated from the survey. It may not be possible to get the exact detailed information about external market environment (Roster et al., 2017) Marketing manager and Market Researcher Core product and service development Once information is collected from the survey, the same will be used in core product and service development. Hence, the assigned time is from July 2018 to December 2025. Once raw primary data are being collected from the market survey, the same will be used in the process of developing the products. The company will invest in the sector of Research and Development that will help in bringing about the innovation in the smartphone design. There can be risk of financial loss as new product design may not be popular in the market. There is also the risk of research patent violation and the company will aim to inherit the product design of the new entrants in the market The CEO and Operational Manager along with the manager of the finance department. The main tasks of product development will be assigned to the Research Development team of Samsung. The team will comprise of software and electronic engineers. Theory of constraints This strategy will be implemented alongside of the product development as it will quickly help in the process of identifying the respective loopholes The new product once being manufactured needs to be tested extensively (Woeppel, 2016). The product will also undergo quality checking steps that will help to identify all forms of loopholes in the products The quality control team may not be able to highlight upon the loopholes that can occur after long term usage. It may also not able to identify the health risks that are associated with using smartphones Quality Control manager and Marketing manager along with the supervision of operational manager Competitive priorities This one of the important steps of the operational strategy and has to be implemented thought entire period of 10-year plan. Jan 2018 to Jan 2028 The market researcher needs to collect detail primary and secondary information from the market. Tools like the Porters five force needs to be implemented that can help to analyze the competitive environment (Fleisher Bensoussan, 2015). The detailed information has to be collected from the marketing policies of the rival brands. They also need to be effective to collect the information about the changes that are occurring in the market. For example, the company needs to get detailed information about the new features that are offered and pricing strategy of the same. As the market researchers will collect information about the rivals, there is a risk that classified company information may be leaked in public domain. Hence, the company will be at the risk of facing legal challenges Marketing managers and market researchers. They will work under the guidance of Operational manager. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Jan 2019 to Jan 2028 The Operational manager of the company needs to take prior consultancy from the local environmental experts (Mason Simmons, 2014). The SAR values of the smartphones has to be below the legal values Violation of the legal polices that may include Environmental Acts Environmental officers and Legal experts of Samsung Conclusion The following study has been able to highlight upon the operational strategies that needs to be implemented by Samsung to deal with the issues related with the business optimization. The analysis of the competitive environment and core product development is the major part of the operational strategy. The theory of constraint will help in identifying the loopholes in the existing business plan of Samsung. The principles of CSR will help in the process of protecting the environment. All the policies of operational strategy will be implemented in 10 year planning process. References Fleisher, C. S., Bensoussan, B. E. (2015). Business and competitive analysis: effective application of new and classic methods. FT Press. Gurin, B., Gebhardt, M., Cauley, S., Adalsteinsson, E., Wald, L. L. (2014). Local specific absorption rate (SAR), global SAR, transmitter power, and excitation accuracy trade?offs in low flip?angle parallel transmit pulse design. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 71(4), 1446-1457. Gupta, M. C., Boyd, L. H. (2008). Theory of constraints: a theory for operations management. International Journal of Operations Production Management, 28(10), 991-1012. 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Manufacturer's guide to implementing the theory of constraints. CRC Press