Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Neural Prosthetic Hand Developments

Neural Prosthetic Hand Developments An ongoing development in the field of clinical is the Neural Prosthetic hand. New start in the field of neural prosthetics shows that they require an adjustment in the material methodology. Because of the explanation, that, not the entirety of the materials are bio-perfect and furnish strength with the tissues in which they are embedded. After the fruitful advancement of different prostheses, for instance, cochlear and retinal prostheses, the researchers consider creating different prostheses. The new prostheses will have the option to help various individuals who are harmed or have lost their appendages, have epilepsy, awful mind injury, constant torment, Alzheimer’s infection, individuals who have discourse incapacities and numerous other who have different types of sicknesses will profit by the new rising neural prostheses (Varrasi, 2014). Neural Prosthetics It is a blend of two fields which are neuro-science and bio-clinical building. With the assistance of neuro-researchers, bio-clinical architects structure and create prostheses, which are the groundbreaking component of any harmed individual or for an individual who is experiencing a few sicknesses like talked about above. The neural prostheses can be characterized as various gadgets which can emulate the capacity of the engine, tangible or psychological models of the human subject which have been crushed because of some injury. These gadgets are set up with the assistance PC on which the structure is made. After which, model is made which is utilized to test the capacity of the proposed arrangement that whether it will work or whether it will have any unfavorable consequences for the subject (Locsin, n.d.). These are implantable gadgets, some regular instances of these are, pacemaker, bladder control prostheses, sound-related prostheses (like cochlear inserts), sound-related prostheses (like listening device utilized by matured individuals who have hearing issues either because old enough or because of some injury), torment mitigating prostheses, cognizant development prostheses, engine prostheses, intellectual prostheses, etc. For what reason should the organization embrace it? As both the fields, neuro-science and bio-clinical building, are recently risen and have incredible breadth later on, this new advancement ought to be received. This will create incredible benefit to the organization as there are many individuals who are denied of the most essential detects like hearing, seeing, talking, strolling, and composing. So these are the individuals who will purchase these prostheses to get them embedded in their body. Through this, great income will be produced to the organization and the purchaser of the prostheses will pick up the capacity which he was denied of. Another motivation to embrace this is, a recently created or presented item (for this situation a neural prostheses) is consistently a site of fascination in the individuals and an indication of help to the individuals who are needing it. Furthermore, without a doubt, these items will pick up notoriety in the recovery places who work for the prosperity of individuals conceded in the restoration communities (Handa, 2006). Issues in the improvement of the neural prosthetics As this is where the item is in direct contact of within the human body it must be arranged cautiously. As a matter of first importance issue which happens is whether the material utilized in the advancement of the prostheses is bio-good or not. Because of reason being, if the material isn't bio-good, it will taint the tissues of the body (as a portion of the materials for the advancement of these prostheses can become harmful when they come in contact of body tissue) where it was embedded. Next is the issue of getting the bio-signal from the body of the patient, as bio-signals are extremely powerless and can't be recorded without any problem. At that point, is the issue of intensity utilization of the embedded gadget, which warms up when it utilizes more than the necessary measure of intensity. This is a major issue as it would wear out the tissues in which it is embedded. The tissues are exceptionally touchy to ascend in temperature (Garrison, 2007). Another issue is the life of the embedded prostheses in the human body. As each electronic thing has some life expectancy, so do these items too. A little issue that is the solace level of the prostheses may make it not useable. Answer for the issue The principal issue could be fathomed by a straightforward trial of the bio-similarity. Bio-similarity is the capacity of a bio-material that how well it performs with the host tissue (Black, 2006) without delivering any antagonistic impacts (Michel Vert, 2012). In this test, the example is tried as a team with the human tissue and ordinary scopes of the body boundaries are noted. This aides in the advancement of the prostheses which is bio-perfect and won't influence the body tissues. The other issue could be settled by making a hardware, which secures the sign from the human body and afterward enhances the sign to a furthest reaches that can be perceived. The force utilization issue is settled by setting the rate at which the prostheses is to work. Accordingly, by constraining its activity, the measure of intensity expended will likewise be restricted. The last issue talked about is with respect to the life expectancy of the electronic embed in the body. It is conceivable to utilize such batteries like lithium particle batteries which have a more prominent life expectancy in examination of different batteries that have lesser life expectancy. The solace level of the prostheses could be checked by first setting up the model which is made to check the strength. Advantages to the field and friends These prostheses could be created in numbers and afterward can be sent out to different pieces of the reality where they are out of luck. The field benefits by this development as after effective investigates, these prostheses could be utilized for instance for the following up and coming prostheses. The new forthcoming prostheses can be utilized for profound cerebrum injury or to invigorate the spinal string that will support the researchers and specialists to help patients in the recovery communities. Another sort of prostheses is the engine neural prostheses, which are otherwise called the mind machine interfaces (BMIs). These prostheses can recover the capacity of the engine capacities which were wrecked because of the a few wounds. The advantages of this item to the field is that number of individuals, including competitors, who may have lost their appendage because of some mishap, can utilize this office and re-gain their energy of partaking in competitions, races, and different exercises of intrigue. The advantage to the organization is that it will pick up prominence among different organizations. Because of fares and selling of these prostheses, the organization will have gigantic income which can be re-contributed to make new prostheses for different locales of the body. References Dark, J. (2006). Natural Performance of Materials. Battalion, D. (2007). Limiting Thermal Effects of In Vivo Body Sensors. Virginia. Handa, G. (2006). neural prostheses-past, present future. indian Journal of physical medication recovery. Locsin, A. (n.d.). What Engineer Designs Prosthetics? Recovered from Everyday life : prosthetics-12210.html Michel Vert, e. a. (2012). Phrasing for biorelated polymers and applications (IUPAC Recommendations 2012). Varrasi, J. (2014, February 27). Cutting edge Neural Prosthetics Require a New Materials Approach. Recovered from livescience: edge prosthetics.html

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Private Posts

Thinking about what the arrangement is with WordPress private posts? While making a WordPress page or post, you may have investigated that little Visibility territory in the Publish module. Underneath it, you see three radio catches: Public, Password Protected, and Private.So whats with that private alternative? On the off chance that youre distributing a blog entry, dont you need the entire world to see it? All things considered, not constantly, seeing as how WordPress private posts are brilliant for inner corporate interchanges, limited substance, and documentation that customary clients shouldn't have to see. Private WordPress posts lockâ all unapproved clients out of that content. Just certain signed in clients can explore to the post and view whats on it.An bit of leeway of a private WordPress post is the force you have while giving client get to. For example, you dont need to let all clients see the post. On the off chance that you have a blog entry with SEO rules for your ess ayists, you may confine section for the individuals who arent recorded as Authors.The process is basic for making private posts. In this way, well stroll through an instructional exercise on making a post private, directly in the wake of clarifying a portion of the examples where WordPress private posts can come in handy.Some circumstances where WordPress private posts come in handyHere are a few circumstances where private posts can be helpful:For an item or administration dispatch One of the benefits of a private post or page is that it despite everything gets distributed. Since a few partners are regularly engaged with new thoughts and item dispatches, it bodes well to put the post in a live domain, while additionally bolting out all visitors. The administrators have full command over which partners see the private page.For substance or configuration changes Although a sandbox setting is the favored strategy for engineers, numerous bloggers appreciate distributing posts and arran ging articles with a live post. Theres no compelling reason to hit the Preview catch, and it gives you a genuine test into how substance shows up. That, however you can show the substance to your editors in that distributed form.For a select network Some discussions and participation networks are private on account of selectiveness. Others include extraordinary individuals in an organization.For inside preparing and reference pages This is one of the most well-known approaches to utilize WordPress private posts. A composing guide, client service preparing module, or something to that effect, doesnt need the most noteworthy security. Be that as it may, site guests dont need to see this information.For a private blog Some people like to diary without the weight of others seeing it. A private WordPress post gives you an official distribution air instead of reviewing the post and putting away it as a draft. Also, it despite everything gives you the choice to impart presents on companion s or family.Specialized content You might need to bolt content that is saved for extraordinary clients. In spite of the fact that its completely conceivable to impart private presents on explicit client gatherings, yourâ best wager is to go with a substance entryway module or participation site. Think about the private post choice as the poor keeps an eye on content gate.Are private posts a decent alternative for delicate information?By default, anybody with a client job of Editor or Administrator can see all the private posts on your site. They likewise have command over changing the security settings. Remember this when working in a domain with different editors or administrators. There may be somebody who shouldnt be perusing the private post, or they may accidentallyâ (or intentionally) make the post open without you knowing.Furthermore, private posts arent ironclad safes. I dont suggest distributing any delicate data utilizing WordPress private posts. For example, legal advis ors and realtors shouldnt distribute contracts. Correspondingly, eCommerce organizations ought to abstain from distributing any client information.Overall, private posts produce shrouded portions of your site not totally secured parts. Its a greater amount of a bit of leeway when youd like to not trouble clients, while as yet keeping up a liquid work environment.Are the pictures in private posts still private?All pictures are actually accessible to the general population, in any event, when you distribute them as a major aspect of private posts. Anybody can acquire these pictures on the off chance that they have the picture URL. Despite the fact that its not plausible, its absolutely conceivable. At last, all Authors on your site can see the pictures in the media library.How to make private posts in WordPressCertain client jobs can see and alter private posts. These jobs include:Administrator Can see, make, alter, and erase any private post, paying little mind to who made it.Editor Can see, make, alter, and erase any private post, paying little mind to who made it.Author Can see, make, alter, and deleteâ their own posts. Writers can't see or alter private posts made by different clients, though.Step 1: Create another post/page or alter an old oneIm sure the vast majority realize how to include or alter a post, however I needed to tell you that its conceivable to make a private post from another one or one that is as of now distributed and public.Step 2: Edit the presents visibilityGo on the Publish module on your post.Find the Visibility segment and snap on the Edit link.Switch the Public radio catch to the one that understands Private. Snap on the OK catch to bolt it in.If this is another post, click the Publish button. In the event that its an old one, youll see the Update button.Step 3: Publish the post and check its privacyYou can test WordPress private posts by signing in as an Admin or Editor. On the off chance that you see the Private: message before t he title, just the Admin and Editors can see it.Your webpage will guide different clients to a 404 page.Step 4: Share the post with certain client gatherings (discretionary) WP JV Post Reading Groups Author(s): Janos VerCurrent Version: 2.2Last Updated: December 28, 2018wp-jv-post-perusing 80%Ratings 6,204Downloads 3.9.2Requires By default, just Admins and Editors can see private posts. In any case, if youd like to demonstrate your substance to explicit client gatherings (like relatives or associates,) the WP JV Post Reading pluginâ helps you out with that.If youre somewhat further developed in your WordPress information, you can likewise utilize WordPress client jobs and the User Role Editor pluginâ to give extra client jobs access to the read_private_posts and read_private_pages abilities. This will permit those client jobs to see private posts and pages, as well.Thats it! In the event that you have any inquiries concerning WordPress private posts, share your co nsiderations in the remarks. Step by step instructions to make #WordPress private posts + some cool things you can do with them

Friday, August 21, 2020

Patriarchy in Hamlet Essay -- Essays on Shakespeare Hamlet

Male controlled society in Hamletâ â  â â William Shakespeare’s Hamlet utilizes the idea of male controlled society in a few situations and each on various levels. These degrees of man controlled society, if in any event, for a similar character, differ in their job in the play. Three male centric characters are handily distinguished: the apparition of Hamlet’s father, the ruler Claudius, and the master chamberlain Polonius. Regardless of their changes every man centric society shows esteems and activities which are key factors in realizing the calamitous completion of Hamlet. Claudius fills the job of father figure as both ruler to a country and stepfather to youthful Hamlet, whose father has kicked the bucket out of the blue. It is uncovered later that Claudius is answerable for the demise of his sibling, King Hamlet. This very demonstration of homicide to acquire the royal position and wed his own sister-in-law, a demonstration equivalent to inbreeding according to their general public, shows from the main the low quality of government that can be normal from Claudius. Youthful Fortinbras of Norway feels that since the King Hamlet is dead he is qualified for his legacy of land, and properly so as the agreement was drawn between King Hamlet and Fortinbras’s dad. The youthful Fortinbras is clearly some type of a danger to the realm, an idea communicated too by Horatio and Bernardo as they stand watch in the opening of the play (1.1.80-125). Claudius doesn't seem, by all accounts, to be excessively worried about the issue. He sends two dispatches to Fortinbras’s wiped out uncle asking that he stop Fortinbras and his assault on Denmark. In the interim, it appears as though Claudius doesn't give the make a difference another idea. It is odd that he doesn't all the more securely monitor the realm that implied enough to him to execute his own sibling to acquire it. He surprisingly should recognize what one ... ...blishers, 1999. Chute, Marchette. â€Å"The Story Told in Hamlet.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Wear Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from Stories from Shakespeare. N. p.: E. P. Dutton, 1956.  Homer. â€Å"The Odyssey.† The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Extended Edition in One Volume. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1997. 101-336. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Hamlet.† The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Extended Edition in One Volume. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1997. 1634-726.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.  Ovid. â€Å"Metamorphoses.† The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Extended Edition in One Volume. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1997. 684-99.  Â

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Project Management Goals Exploratory Essay Sample

Practice shows that while a lot of other professions fall prey to economic recession project management positions remain largely resistant to them. It doesn’t, however, mean one can pursue a career in project management no matter what he or she does. If one is going to stay efficient and effective, one has to learn how to set goals that would prove to be recession-proof. However, it is easier said than done. Project managers work in all lines of business and are supposed to follow different sets of aims and guidelines. Depending on the company they work for, the industry this company deals with and with current market situation they may have to work in completely different circumstances. There, however, should be some general directions and characteristics common to all the projects that want to remain afloat during economic crises. Let’s try and define what kinds of goals a project manager is supposed to set if he or she is going to bring success to their company. According to statistics, time is still the most important commodity any business has today. Which naturally leads to the following conclusion – if a project is finished on time, even if it is not perfect in some respects, it is going to be successful. Things should not be simply done, they should be done on time. How is this to be achieved? One has to always remember the Pareto principle: 20% of all efforts yield 80% of all results. In order to successfully finish the project on time the manager should define its most crucial aspects and concentrate attention on them. If they are dealt with while the rest is left unfinished – it is still a good result. However, it is better to meet all the requirements set by senior management. In order to do that a detailed list of them should be in order – after all, if the manager is not clear about what exactly is demanded of him, he or she will be unable to prioritize and organize the work process. What initially seemed like a negligible task may turn out to be a behemoth eating up time and resources while some aspects of the project may remain unclear until the very end. Recession can make vague plans even more harmful than usual – not many companies can afford being unsure of what they are going to do when their very existence may well be at stake. Another important goal is to always stay within budget, avoid overspending and, if possible, use less money than has been allocated. The manager should carefully keep track of all the expenses, try to leave some space for maneuver and, if overspending becomes unavoidable, make sure to save on other areas. Even if the project goal is achieved, it won’t do much good if it required twice as much as was initially supposed, so keeping expenses in check is worth being a goal in and of itself. This becomes even more important during the period of recession, as the company will be more than happy to save even a little bit if it is at all possible. And finally, keeping both clients and the team satisfied should always be a goal of an experienced project manager. Although recession can make a lot of people less choosy about their jobs, it still pays to have a team of specialists who are not at each other’s throats and are happy to work for the company. As for clients – it has never been more important to keep them. All in all, the goals of a project manager during a recession are, first and foremost, to make sure that the job gets done, and gets done with the least possible expenses.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain - 930 Words

Mark Twain, in his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, describes the adventure of Huck Finn as he helps an escaped slave find his freedom. Throughout the novel, Twain uses various examples of satire to criticize the racist views that were evident in white society. He condemns the common racist mindset many whites have and to make the public realize the unfairness that blacks face solely because of the color of their skin. Twain first describes his purpose by satirizing a moment when Jim uses a hairball to supposedly tell Huck’s future. He told Huck there was â€Å"a spirit inside of it, and it knowed everything.† (p.17). At first glance it seems like Jim is very stupid to believe that a hairball really had magic powers that†¦show more content†¦Ironically, Jim tells Huck to â€Å"keep ‘way fum de water as much as you kin†(p.18) because it would be where Huck would die, yet in most of the book, Huck travels by water and survives his dangerous experiences. This also further proves the hairball fortune to be a scam, as the fortune is proven wrong by the later events of the book. Twain uses Jim’s scam in order to satirize the idea that blacks are stupid and ridicule one of the many racists beliefs by whites. With this satirization, Twain hopes that his audience will see that the common stereotypes that are given to blacks may not be true and that they should not be treated unfairly as a result of this racist thinking. Another way Twain satirizes the racism in white society is when Huck is debating with himself on whether or not he should save Jim. When Huck makes up his mind to save Jim, he states â€Å"All right then, I’ll go to hell† (p.214). Huck exaggerates the punishment he believes he will receive from God. This hyperbole demonstrates that Huck believes helping a slave is something that should be unthinkable. Huck has been told by the racist white society to never help a black guy escape as it is something that is against God and that doing something like this is a sin. His belief helps Twain demonstrate the racist nature of white society of the south. Huck is an innocent child that wants to help Jim, yet thinks that helping him would be a sin against God. Twain wants to show the racist beliefs by many

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Breast Cancer A Shocking And Very Serious Disease

Breast cancer is a horrifying and very serious disease that should not be underestimated. It is a common cancer in women but the majority of women that are affected by this disease do not know that it can be treated in all sorts of ways or that breast cancer rarely ever appears in the same form more than once. As one of the leading causes of death in the United States, breast cancer is affecting tons of people. Orenstein, a breast cancer survivor, discusses the awareness and education of breast cancer today and to give us a full understanding of the disease. In â€Å"Our Feel-Good War on Breast Cancer†, Breast cancer awareness and the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness is an important part of this article. She provides historical background in her article which gives an insight into the history of breast cancer to her specific audience and also discusses early detection versus late detection and also the possibility of overtreatment. Orenstein has a different outlook on br east cancer and has different approach in her article by stating her personal story as an introduction into her riveting article. Using her personal story at the beginning gets her readers to have an emotional attachment to her and to be more open to her ideas. This technique is effective, but however her claim would be more effective with research that proved the lack of effectiveness of mammograms. She argues that over awareness is a problem and that the actual effectiveness of mammograms does notShow MoreRelatedEssay on Breast Implants1733 Words   |  7 Pages Breast Implants One of the first uses of silicone in a medical implant came in the form of lifesaving tubes implanted into young children to funnel excess fluid from the brain into the chest cavity, where the fluid could be safely metabolized and excreted. 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This process can be performed through numerous means: â€Å"using viruses to ‘infect’ animal or plant cells with new DNA, coating tiny metal pellets with DNA and firing into cells, injecting new DNA into fertilized eggs, shocking the membrane covering sperm electrically and forcing DNA through the holes created.† None of these methods can possibly be executed with accuracy (Smith). The stunted growth may yield to faster and cheaper production, essentially leading to economicRead MoreWomen, Hair, And Cancer10628 Words   |  43 PagesChapter Three Women, Hair, and Cancer in the Media 3.1. Introducing television into the home / The Rise of the (social) Media [†¦]After going downstairs, for breakfast, Leonda picks up the remote and clicks on the TV. She â€Å"channels surfs† until she comes across a network morning show that has the stat of a big new Hollywood movie as a guest. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Equitable Accessibility Combining Ethical Theories

Question: Discuss about the Equitable Accessibility for Combining Ethical Theories. Answer: Introduction Ethical Dilemma is defined as a complex situation in which a choice is required to be made between two options when neither of the options is effective in resolving the situation (Martinez Wueste, 2016). In this easy, the futility of blocking the Pirate Bay is highlighted by the Britains Grand Tour piracy spree. In this assignment, the case study of Britain's The Grand Tour piracy spree highlights the futility of blocking The Pirate Bay is analyzed from the perspective of four classical ethical theories, which includes utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and contract. The Scenario illustrates the importance of blocking the Pirate Bay. It is identified that in Australia, all the different internet service providers like Telstra, TPG block access to different BitTorrent search engines like The Pirate Bay and various types of online streaming sites (Turner, 2017).This is because that copyright holders of Australia often complains about piracy. According to (Lucas, Wee Maat, 2016), the club cases of Dallas Buyers were thrown out, as the rightsholders did not convince that judge reflecting the matter that various tactics of extortion are off the table. Various arguments over costs occurs which delayed the blocking of pirated website. The rightsholders are forced to foot the bills and they were paid 50$ per blocked domain. When various people like Hammond, May and Clarkson were defected from the BBC to Amazon, it was claimed that The Grand Tour is one of the most pirated show, which are downloaded, by around 13.7% of the people who were located in UK. They use tricks for downloading the Grand Tour when the British ISPs block access to various search engines. Beating of the piracy website of Australia is quite easy and it is as simple as visiting a proxy website. The IPS block the websites of Australia by editing their various listings of the DNA, which once works like the directory of the telephone by using proper procedure in order to convert the URL into various IP addresses (Turner, 2017). TOR helps in encrypting traffic as well as bouncing it around the web and it helps in beating a piracy filter. Just like Brits, Australians uses the tricks and as a result, their piracy rates drop. It has been analyzed that piracy is fully dependent on pricing as well as convenience (Beyer McKelvey, 2015). The Lego Movies release delayed by seven weeks and millions of dollars were lost due to piracy. Therefore, it is very much easier to push for ineffective filtering of web than to fulfill the demands of the people. The theory of Utilitarianism considers the action as best if it helps in maximizing the utility (Lucas, Wee Maat, 2016). According to the theory of utilitarianism, the Britains Grand Tour piracy spree highlighted the importance of blocking the Pirate Bay. The decision of the court to block the entire pirated website is considered as the most effective and it plays a major role in maximizing the utility of the entire scenario. The ISP of Australia block the various sites by redirecting the users with the help of a notifying page illustrating the decision of the court (Danaher, Smith Telang 2015). The decision of the court plays a major role in beating the website piracy of Australia. Deontological theory of ethics helps in judging the morality of an action depending on some rules (Gergely Rao, 2014). The theory of deontology analyses that the decision taken by the court is very much effective as well as ethical. The blocking of the pirated website resolves many problems that are associated with the website (de Sa, 2015). It has been analysed from the scenario that the Lego Movie was delayed in Australia by seven weeks due to piracy, which resulted in loss of huge amount of money. In order to resolve this type of challenges, blocking of all the pirated website is the most effective as well as moral decision to be considered (Way, 2014). The blocking of pirated website increases the profit of the copyright owner as the users needs to pay to the owners. The ethical theory of Virtue emphasizes the character of an individual as the key element of ethical thinking rather depending on the rules about their different acts as well as consequences (Martinez Wueste, 2016). As per the theory of virtue, it is analysed that the decision take by the court to block the several-pirated website of Australia is considered ethical. The service providers like Telstra as well as Optus were asked to block the access of various search engines as well as illegal streaming sites in order to resolve some the ethical issues (Mehmood et al., 2015). The Clarkson, Hammond as well as May are considered as effective character in claiming the fact that Grand Tour is the most pirated show, which is used, by 13.7% of the people located in UK. The Australian government uses simple tricks for blocking every proxy website. The website is generally blocked with the help of ISPs by editing the DNS listings effectively. The ethical theory of contract addresses the different questions about the origin of the society as well as about it legitimacy of the authority of the state over various individuals (Scott, 2016). According to the theory of contract, the case of Dallas buyers club was thrown out, as the rightsholders did not properly convinced the judge that the different tactics of extortion were off table. The different strike rule, which threaten to hand over the various contact details to the offenders, wasted on the vine as it is expected by the ISP of the Australia to pick up the bill. Later the court announced that the ISP must block the entire pirated website in order to reduce the ethical problems that are associated with the website (Turner, 2017). The rightsholders are payed $ 50 as per each blocked domain, which is according to the legal cost of the ISP. Recommendation There are number of recommendations that are provided in order to minimize website piracy in the coming future. The methods include: Implementation of strict rules and regulation: It is quite important for the Australian government to have strict rules and regulation in order to minimize the issues. It is very much important to implement strict penalty for the pirated websites. Developing proper as well as clear software policy for the users: It helps in suggesting that polices are quite helpful in explaining the acquisition of software legally. Creating awareness among the users: The government of Australia must implement various awareness programs in order to educate the users amount the negative impact of pirated website. This helps in minimizing the use of pirated website by different users. Conclusion It can be concluded that the government of Australia must have proper rules and regulations in order to minimize the challenges that the government is facing due to pirated website. The methods, which are provided, are helpful in mitigating the problems. It is identified that the courts have announced blocking of various search engines as well as illegal streaming sites. It is analyzed that it is quite significant to stop the use of pirated website so that they do not have any devastating impact. 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