Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Equitable Accessibility Combining Ethical Theories

Question: Discuss about the Equitable Accessibility for Combining Ethical Theories. Answer: Introduction Ethical Dilemma is defined as a complex situation in which a choice is required to be made between two options when neither of the options is effective in resolving the situation (Martinez Wueste, 2016). In this easy, the futility of blocking the Pirate Bay is highlighted by the Britains Grand Tour piracy spree. In this assignment, the case study of Britain's The Grand Tour piracy spree highlights the futility of blocking The Pirate Bay is analyzed from the perspective of four classical ethical theories, which includes utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and contract. The Scenario illustrates the importance of blocking the Pirate Bay. It is identified that in Australia, all the different internet service providers like Telstra, TPG block access to different BitTorrent search engines like The Pirate Bay and various types of online streaming sites (Turner, 2017).This is because that copyright holders of Australia often complains about piracy. According to (Lucas, Wee Maat, 2016), the club cases of Dallas Buyers were thrown out, as the rightsholders did not convince that judge reflecting the matter that various tactics of extortion are off the table. Various arguments over costs occurs which delayed the blocking of pirated website. The rightsholders are forced to foot the bills and they were paid 50$ per blocked domain. When various people like Hammond, May and Clarkson were defected from the BBC to Amazon, it was claimed that The Grand Tour is one of the most pirated show, which are downloaded, by around 13.7% of the people who were located in UK. They use tricks for downloading the Grand Tour when the British ISPs block access to various search engines. Beating of the piracy website of Australia is quite easy and it is as simple as visiting a proxy website. The IPS block the websites of Australia by editing their various listings of the DNA, which once works like the directory of the telephone by using proper procedure in order to convert the URL into various IP addresses (Turner, 2017). TOR helps in encrypting traffic as well as bouncing it around the web and it helps in beating a piracy filter. Just like Brits, Australians uses the tricks and as a result, their piracy rates drop. It has been analyzed that piracy is fully dependent on pricing as well as convenience (Beyer McKelvey, 2015). The Lego Movies release delayed by seven weeks and millions of dollars were lost due to piracy. Therefore, it is very much easier to push for ineffective filtering of web than to fulfill the demands of the people. The theory of Utilitarianism considers the action as best if it helps in maximizing the utility (Lucas, Wee Maat, 2016). According to the theory of utilitarianism, the Britains Grand Tour piracy spree highlighted the importance of blocking the Pirate Bay. The decision of the court to block the entire pirated website is considered as the most effective and it plays a major role in maximizing the utility of the entire scenario. The ISP of Australia block the various sites by redirecting the users with the help of a notifying page illustrating the decision of the court (Danaher, Smith Telang 2015). The decision of the court plays a major role in beating the website piracy of Australia. Deontological theory of ethics helps in judging the morality of an action depending on some rules (Gergely Rao, 2014). The theory of deontology analyses that the decision taken by the court is very much effective as well as ethical. The blocking of the pirated website resolves many problems that are associated with the website (de Sa, 2015). It has been analysed from the scenario that the Lego Movie was delayed in Australia by seven weeks due to piracy, which resulted in loss of huge amount of money. In order to resolve this type of challenges, blocking of all the pirated website is the most effective as well as moral decision to be considered (Way, 2014). The blocking of pirated website increases the profit of the copyright owner as the users needs to pay to the owners. The ethical theory of Virtue emphasizes the character of an individual as the key element of ethical thinking rather depending on the rules about their different acts as well as consequences (Martinez Wueste, 2016). As per the theory of virtue, it is analysed that the decision take by the court to block the several-pirated website of Australia is considered ethical. The service providers like Telstra as well as Optus were asked to block the access of various search engines as well as illegal streaming sites in order to resolve some the ethical issues (Mehmood et al., 2015). The Clarkson, Hammond as well as May are considered as effective character in claiming the fact that Grand Tour is the most pirated show, which is used, by 13.7% of the people located in UK. The Australian government uses simple tricks for blocking every proxy website. The website is generally blocked with the help of ISPs by editing the DNS listings effectively. The ethical theory of contract addresses the different questions about the origin of the society as well as about it legitimacy of the authority of the state over various individuals (Scott, 2016). According to the theory of contract, the case of Dallas buyers club was thrown out, as the rightsholders did not properly convinced the judge that the different tactics of extortion were off table. The different strike rule, which threaten to hand over the various contact details to the offenders, wasted on the vine as it is expected by the ISP of the Australia to pick up the bill. Later the court announced that the ISP must block the entire pirated website in order to reduce the ethical problems that are associated with the website (Turner, 2017). The rightsholders are payed $ 50 as per each blocked domain, which is according to the legal cost of the ISP. Recommendation There are number of recommendations that are provided in order to minimize website piracy in the coming future. The methods include: Implementation of strict rules and regulation: It is quite important for the Australian government to have strict rules and regulation in order to minimize the issues. It is very much important to implement strict penalty for the pirated websites. Developing proper as well as clear software policy for the users: It helps in suggesting that polices are quite helpful in explaining the acquisition of software legally. Creating awareness among the users: The government of Australia must implement various awareness programs in order to educate the users amount the negative impact of pirated website. This helps in minimizing the use of pirated website by different users. Conclusion It can be concluded that the government of Australia must have proper rules and regulations in order to minimize the challenges that the government is facing due to pirated website. The methods, which are provided, are helpful in mitigating the problems. It is identified that the courts have announced blocking of various search engines as well as illegal streaming sites. It is analyzed that it is quite significant to stop the use of pirated website so that they do not have any devastating impact. The government must implement awareness programs in order to educate the users amount the negative impact of pirated website. References Beyer, J. L., McKelvey, F. (2015). Piracy Social Change| You Are Not Welcome Among Us: Pirates and the State.International Journal of Communication,9, 19. Danaher, B., Smith, M. D., Telang, R. (2015). The Effect of Piracy Website Blocking on Consumer Behavior.Available at SSRN 2612063. de Sa, V. M. M. (2015). Piracy Social Change| From Orkut to Facebook: How Brazilian Pirate Audiences Utilize Social Media to Create Sharing Subcultures.International Journal of Communication,9, 18. Gergely, M., Rao, V. (2014). The Effects of Salience, Deterrence, and Social Influence on Software Piracy: A Proposed Experimental Study. Lucas, K., Wee, B., Maat, K. (2016). A method to evaluate equitable accessibility: combining ethical theories and accessibility-based approaches.Transportation,43(3), 473-490. Martinez, N., Wueste, D. (2016). 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